Features JSR 168 Specification JSR 286 Specification
Inter Portlet Communication
* Only supported within the same portlet application using session attributes
* Target portlets will only "see" messages during next render request.
Add additional coordination capabilities
* Limited only to String Values.
* Sharing of session data beyond the current Portlet application.
* Sharing of render parameters across portlets.
Life cycle Portlets cannot update their state during a render request: "event" handling not really possible New 3rd life cycle phase before rendering
Portlet Filters Doesn't Support
* Supports Allow on the fly transformations of information in both the request to and the response from the portlet
* Defined in portlet.xml
* Extended Cache support.
* Allow public cached content for multiple users
Common Web Frameworks
* Servlet dispatching not supported from process Action.
* Needs Portals Bridges or similar solutions.
* JSTL support very limited
* Extended Cache support.
* Allow public cached content for multiple users.
* Improved support for web frameworks (Struts, JSF, Spring) Allow servlet dispatching during all lifecycle calls: processAction, processEvent, render, serverResource.
* Extended JSP tag library
Non HTML Resources(pdf, doc, images etc.)
* A portlet can only render html fragments.
* Have to fallback/delegate to the servlet container.
* Requires coordination between portlet and servlet.
Posted by Vivek & Adeeti