How can you create and use an email form in Web Content Management?
Resolving the problem
Web Content Management (WCM) can be enabled to use your SMTP server for sending e-mail. This e-mail enablement is generally used for the e-mail workflow action feature, and it is possible to utilize this feature to send email in other parts of WCM, such as the HTML Component.
As an example, you can use an HTML component to write an HTML form which contains basic email properties. The HTML Component (HTML Form) can post the form data to the built-in WCM e-mail module, which can then relay the form data to your SMTP mail server.
Enable Web Content Management to send email
First, you must enable WCM to send email. Read the Web Content Management information center topic "Enabling e-mail for Web Content Management" for details.
To utilize the e-mail workflow action, configure Web Content Management to use your environment's SMTP server.
Edit the file.
File location:
Windows: portal_server_root/wcm/shared/app/config/wcmservices
UNIX: portal_server_root/wcm/shared/app/config/wcmservices
i5/OS: portal_server_root/wcm/shared/app/config/wcmservices
Ensure the following settings are configured to use the SMTP server:
Save the file.
Restart the WCM/Portal server for the new settings to take effect.
Create an HTML Component
Create an HTML Form and store it in the HTML Component.
Create a friendly URL mapping to a Portal Page.
NOTE: This action is accomplished through the portal's administration features. Read the information center topic Infocenter section regarding Portal URL Mapping.
If you wish to have the form redirect to a page which uses the WCM Local Rendering Portlet to display a "thank you page", add the WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT url parameter to the redirect url in form post section.
Update the HTML Component form post URL with the correct URL mapping for the post redirect This setting redirects one to the page that will display upon successful e-mail submission.
Configure the WCM Content Preview portlet to access your HTML Component.
Send email and verify it works as expected.
Create an HTML Form to be used as the e-mail form
This example uses the HTML Component.
The fully qualified hostname to the WCM server and reference the WCM e-mail module are specified In the form's post action section . This post action includes a redirection to a URL mapping. After the e-mail is successfully submitted, the form is redirected to the mapped URL.
To create a custom URL mapping in Portal, create a new URL mapping by creating a new context and mapping it to your desired Portal page.
Example: Create a new URL mapping context named "TestPAGE" and map the context to the portal paged named "MyTestingPage"
Update the HTML form's redirect URL to point to the URL mapping context.