In this scenario, the customer was working on a page copied from the default IBM theme which implements top navigation. In order to have URL links open in a new window, it is necessary to perform the following steps: 1) Edit the topNav.jspf located in /installedApps//wps.ear/wps.war/themes/html/ as follows:
<% boolean openInNewWindow =; %>
<% boolean isNodeSelected = wpsSelectionModel.isNodeSelected(wpsNavNode); %>
id="portalSelectedNode" onmouseover="showPageAffordance(); return false;" onmouseout="hidePageAffordance(); return false;" <% } %> >
" <% if (openInNewWindow) {%>target="_blank"<% } %> <% if (isNodeSelected) { %>onfocus="showPageAffordance()" <% } %> >
. . . . . . .
" <% if (openInNewWindow) {%>target="_blank"<% } %>>
2) "Touch" the Default.jsp for the theme (located in the same directory) by editing the file (nature of edit does not matter) and then saving the file.
3) Remove any temp files for the theme in /temp//WebSphere_Portal/wps/wps.war/themes/html/.
4) Start WebSphere Portal.
5) Click on the URL link and it should now open a new window. |