Saturday, September 5, 2009

How do you display additional attributes on the Person Card?

You have configured the People Finder portlet. You then search for a user, and you have the ability to display the Person Card by hovering over the search results. You are able to see the Person Card but want to display additional attributes on the Person Card. How can this be achieved?

To display additional attributes for the Person Card, perform the following actions:
1. Modify the file (/PortalServer/config/config)

2. Locate the CS_SERVER_PERSONTAG.businessCardItems property.

3. Modify the string after the property with valid Member Manager attributes separated by commas (,).
    The attributes appear when a person card link is clicked, top to bottom, in the same order in which you type them.

    CS_SERVER_PERSONTAG.businessCardItems=ibm-primaryEmail, ibm-jobTitle, telephoneNumber
4. Save the properties file.

5. Restart the portal server.

You should now see these additional attributes on the Person Card.