1. First a clean removal of the old admin-console deployment is nessacary
"System-folder"/bin/wsadmin.sh -lang jython -f deployConsole.py remove
2. Now reinstall of administrative console (isclite) will complete without errors (hopefully)"System-folder"/bin/wsadmin.sh -lang jython -f deployConsole.py install
3. Take a look at /"profile-root"/config/cells/"cell name"/nodes/"node name"/applications/isclite.ear/deployments/isclite/deployment.xml3.1 Check if the
4. Take a look at /"profile root"/config/cells/"cell name"/nodes/"node name"/serverindex.xml
4.1 Check if the
is mapped to the correct server (server1 in base version of WAS).
Now the administrative console should work again.