When using an IBM® Web Content Management (WCM) local rendering portlet, how can one utilize the combined query results based on two criteria?
**Note:** This information is not included in the WebSphere Portal information center topic: Defining menu element formatting options.
A menu element displays metadata and content from content items that match the search criteria of the menu element. The search criteria of a menu element can include matching site areas, authoring templates, categories and keywords.
The information center topic Defining menu element formatting options does not include any reference for a more complex scenario whereby you could combine the results of a query based on two criteria to include the results of both queries -- a menu component that retrieves content based on a query that considers both a site area or a category.
Example: Menus that display "ALL the contents for a specific site area and an item that is in another site area and has been tagged with a specific category" by combining the search parameters "Site area X" and a "category Y".
Resolving the problem
1. Create two menus: one for each specific query.
2. Wrap both menus using an HTML component.
This combination should resolve the issue while providing optimal application performance.