ClientRequestCount | The number of requests for cacheable objects that are generated by applications running on this application server. |
DistributedRequestCount | The number of requests for cacheable objects that are generated by cooperating caches in this replication domain. |
ClientRequestCount | The number of requests for cacheable objects that are generated by applications running on this application server. |
DistributedRequestCount | The number of requests for cacheable objects that are generated by cooperating caches in this replication domain. |
ExplicitDiskInvalidationCount | The number of explicit invalidations resulting in the removal of an entry from disk. |
ExplicitInvalidationCount | The number of explicit invalidations. |
ExplicitMemoryInvalidationCount | The number of explicit invalidations resulting in the removal of an entry from memory. |
HitsInMemoryCount | The number of requests for cacheable objects that are served from memory. |
HitsOnDiskCount | The number of requests for cacheable objects that are served from disk. |
InMemoryAndDiskCacheEntryCount | The current number of used cache entries in memory and disk. |
LocalExplicitInvalidationCount | The number of explicit invalidations generated locally, either programmatically or by a cache policy. |
LruInvalidationCount | The number of cache entries that are removed from memory by a Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm. |
MissCount | The number of requests for cacheable objects that were not found in the cache. |
RemoteCreationCount | The number of cache entries that are received from cooperating dynamic caches. |
RemoteExplicitInvalidationCount | The number of explicit invalidations received from a cooperating Java virtual machine in this replication domain. |
RemoteHitCount | The number of requests for cacheable objects that are served from other Java virtual machines within the replication domain. |
TimeoutInvalidationCount | The number of cache entries that are removed from memory and disk because their timeout has expired. |