Thursday, May 28, 2009

Using Model SPI to get Page title

IBM WebSphere Portal uses a concept of Models for content aggregation, to track user's pages etc. The Model SPI provides access to these models. The attached code provides an example to illustrate on how to get a title of a page using model SPI in JSR 286 portlet. Here is the code snippet to get title of page

public String getTitle(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response)
Context context=null;
PortletServiceHome homeObject =null;
NavigationSelectionModelProvider provider=null;
NavigationSelectionModel navSelectionModel = null;

context = new InitialContext();
homeObject = (PortletServiceHome) context.lookup("portletservice/");
provider = (NavigationSelectionModelProvider) homeObject.getPortletService (NavigationSelectionModelProvider.class);
navSelectionModel = provider.getNavigationSelectionModel(request, response);
catch (Exception exception)
NavigationNode selectedNode = (NavigationNode) navSelectionModel.getSelectedNode();
//Following is commented since there is no title for page if user's locale is US English
//String pageTitle = selectedNode.getTitle(request.getLocale());
String pageTitle = selectedNode.getTitle(Locale.ENGLISH);
return pageTitle;


Portlet shows English title of page. For locale of US English there is no title for page and you will see null value. You may comment this line of code and uncomment previous line of code to get title of page in your locale. Please login to the site to download war file.